Our Environmental Policy

To establish environmentally friendly and energy efficient facilities and systems by giving priority to possible environmental impacts in project development, design, facility establishment and operation processes,

Identifying accessible, clean, reliable, high quality and economical energy sources and putting them into use,

To comply with environmental legislation and other requirements,

To organize trainings for its employees and to hold meetings open to the participation of local people in order to develop environmental awareness and a culture of sustainable living that is sensitive to the environment,

To analyze environmental effects by taking into account the changing environmental conditions; to take necessary measures to avoid environmental pollution; To apply an environmental management system based on continuous improvement in the light of advanced technologies and engineering applications

Measuring, analyzing and improving the performance of the Environmental Management System,

  • By implementing an effective Waste Management Program,
  • To prevent waste generation during its activities,
  • To reduce the amount of waste generated,
  • Reusing products that may be waste when possible,
  • Taking advantage of recycling opportunities,
  • To dispose of or ensure that non-recyclable wastes are generated without harming the environment,

"No investment project is worth our future generations!" is to work with the principle.

Contact Information


Mutlukent, 2010. Sk. No: 54, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara

Our Phone Numbers

Phone: +90 312 472 83 93
Mobile : +90 533 745 42 82
Fax : +90 312 472 20 67

E-Mail Support

[email protected]